Build: 1.2.0019
We released a build this week, here's a rundown on what's changed.
Floating Members
Sometimes inviting players through e-mail isn't practical. Perhaps they don't have e-mail access at work or maybe they're just too stubborn!
For these players you can add them as a floater (no sniggering at the back 😉) and put their name down on their behalf.
You can add floaters from both the my squad and match registrations screens.

Tracking Squad Invitations has always had a good process for inviting new people to join squads. It's at the heart of losing the faff!.
One weak point however is once an invite is sent, it kind of goes into the ether. And whilst e-mail delivery isn't an exact science, we can tell you a bit more.
At least you'll know if someone is just wanting on manager approval or if there's a typo in the e-mail address*

* Recording bounced e-mails is a manual process, so don't be surprised if they aren't flagged straight away.
Small Enhancements
Design tweaks on the e-mails.
Design tweaks when inviting new players.
Any notes added to invite reminder are shown to players when putting their name down.
Useful as I'm not convinced people read the notes in the e-mails!
Security Enhancements
Password Hashing Upgrade
As part of this build we've improved the password hashing algorithm used for storing your credentials.
When next accessing the website you will be signed out. When logging in again we'll capture your password and upgrade how it's stored on the website.
It is necessary to force you to login again as we don't know what your password is, we only store a representation of your password.
Further Security Enhancements
Cookies were not marked as SSL transport only.
Cookies required for the demonstration account were not being expired.
Extended coverage of anti-forgery tokens.
Enhanced password reset process.
Upgraded RavenJS to latest version.
Accounts were not being notified when flagged as expired.
Error could be fired when viewing pending invitations after they had been resolved.
Mobile (homescreen version) view was incorrectly set-up to only show in portrait mode.
Send Again button wasn't shown in mobile version (reminders screen).
SQL Exception when users tried to delete their account (certain scenarios only).
Online chat was available in the demonstration, which is incorrect.
On the reminders screen it was possible to have the kick-off time changed by a bug. This could then result in the reminders being out of kilter meaning the ratings e-mail wasn't being sent.
On a personal note I've been trying to figure out the root cause of this bug for ages! #chuffed 😯.
Routing based on game id (e.g. 600.aspx) redirected to the wrong location.
Fixed that annoying bug when expanding player stats on the seasons page would show the full page, rather than just the stats for the player.
Website now warns when you don't have permission to perform an action, rather than generate an error.
A system error was generated when failing to add players into a match.
Fixed issue where the "Add Player" dialog didn't work correctly the second time it was opened.
Fix for glossary tooltip where moving to the right of the tip didn't close the content.
On redirecting from the logo only show current match if it hasn't been cancelled..
5aside keyword on mapping screens wasn't finding sufficient results anymore. Changed search criteria to (5-a-side OR 5aside OR soccer OR FOOTBALL).
Map link on seasons page could cause an error to be generated.
That's all folks!
As always, if I've mucked anything up, please tweet me off! 😉.
Until next time ... may your matches be full of players, and you boots stay laced up.
Team TP.
About helps organise 5-a-side football games with your mates.
Every week we'll invite everyone and track who can and who can't play.
We'll remind them they're playing, help pick the sides. You know, all the boring stuff!
Loose the faff, bring back the fun, with!
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