Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Last updated: 01-Jun-2024

The privacy policy explains what personal information we collect when you visit the website and how we use your data.

About us

Our Data Protection Register Number is ZA335298, listed under You can contact us by:

FAO: Franz Junge
19 Bodmin Road
LS10 4PL

What personal data we collect and how we use it

Personal data

Data Why and how we use your data

We request your email address to provide multiple services on the website:

  1. To help your manager organise your games. For example we'll send you an email to invite you to a game and/or remind you that you have previously said you were playing.
  2. To display your avatar if you have opted to do so.
  3. As a unique identifier when you log into the website so we know who you are.
  4. Your email address will be viewable by managers as they may need to contact you in order to organise your games.
  5. To inform you of updates to the service, if you have consented us to do so.
  6. To email you an invitation to join a squad.
Secondary Email

If you wish you can register a second email address. This can be useful to receive notifications to both your personal and work email accounts.

Your secondary email will only be used to help organise your games. For example we'll send you an email to invite you to a game and/or remind you that you have previously said you were playing.

You are not obliged to register a second email address.


Your full name is used to identify you to other users in your squad. This will include both managers and other players.

  1. Your nickname is used to identify you during chat sessions with your team mates.
  2. Your nickname is also be used on public areas of the website to keep your full identify from being revealed.
  1. We use your age to verify you are old enough to use the website. You must be over 18 years of age to register with the website.
  2. Your age can be seen by other players in your squad to help make even teams.

We may ask your gender so we can match players who feel safest playing with the same sex.

You are not obliged to tell us your gender.

Social Network

If you use a social network to register with the website, or you link your social network account to us we will store the following:

  1. Email - We will use your email for the same reasons outlined above.
  2. Identifier - Your identifier, combined with your Username to uniquely identify your social media account.
  3. Username - Your username, combined with your Identifier to uniquely identify your social media account.
  4. Photo - The photo from your social network is used to display your avatar if you have opted to do so. email

If you wish you can use the gravatar service to display your avatar to other players.

Should you choose to enter your gravatar email address on the website we'll store it so we can show the associated avatar.

Mobile Telephone

Your mobile telephone number will be viewable by managers as they may need to contact you in order to organise your games.

You do not have to share your mobile telephone number if you do not wish to.

IP Address
  1. When you reset your password your IP address is used to provide confidence that the request was made by you.
  2. Your IP address is also used to help diagnose any errors that occur when you are using the website.

Data Retention

If your account is inactive for 12 months or more your data is deleted from our systems.

You can delete the data we store about you by closing your account at any time.

Visitors To Our Website

We record information about how visitors interact with our website and use this data with 3rd party services, Google Analytics and Smartsupp. We use Google Analytics and Smartsupp to help us to better understand what content and products visitors want. We do not use analytics data to attempt to track or identify individuals.


We pass your name and email address to MailChimp so that we can keep you up-to-date with the services we provide. MailChimp may transfer your data outside of the EU to provide this service.

We will only transfer your details to MailChimp if you agree and you can opt out at any time by:

  • Changing your marketing preferences on our website, or
  • Clicking the unsubscribe link in one of our marketing emails

We do not share our mailing list with anyone else.

Data Sharing With Third Parties

We use third-party providers to host, enhance and support the website. Some or all of your personal data may be shared with these organisations in order to provide our service.

Provider Purpose
UK Web Solutions Direct uses UK Web Solutions Direct (UKWSD) to host the website and store the data required to provide the service. This data includes your personal data.

As a hosting provider, UKWSD will gather certain information and store it in log files. These log files are shared with us to allow us to diagnose issues on the website. These logs may include: IP address, system configuration, browser data, locality & language preferences, referring pages and other meta-data.

If you wish, you can read more about their terms of service and privacy policy.


We use Mailchimp to let you know about changes to our website, operating issues and other information we think you will find useful.

You can read more about our use of Mailchimp in the newsletter section of this page.


We use Sentry to log errors generated by the website. This helps us diagnose problems you experience on the website we would not normally have visibility of.

Sentry automatically gathers data about your web browser to aid diagnostics. This data includes IP address, browser type, operating system. You can read more about this on the Sentry website.


We use Cloudflare to provide optimisation and security on the website.

You can read more about Cloudflare's privacy policy here.

How we use cookies

We use cookies for monitoring which pages you find useful and which you do not and help to provide a better website. You can read more about our use of cookies below.

Your rights

You have statutory rights relating to any of your personal data that we hold. Find out more at the ICO website here.

You can check or update your personal details by updating your profile.

How to contact us

If you have any questions or complaints about our data privacy policy or personal data that we may hold about you please contact us.

More about cookies

We use cookies as part of a normal business procedure. Cookies are small text files that are created by a web server and stored on your computer when you visit a website. The website that created the cookie can read the contents when you are at their website.

Many websites use cookies to improve your browsing experience e.g. remember your log-in details, record which items you have selected to purchase, or even tailor what content is displayed depending on your preferences. Cookies can also be used to record analytics data i.e. which web pages you visit, whether or not you arrived at the web page by clicking on an advertisement or an affiliated website. Many websites find the collection of analytics data valuable in improving the quality and content of their web sites.

We use cookies for the following purposes:

All the major browsers allow you to block cookies and delete those that have already been created on your computer, usually within the Tools section of the browser. These tools allow you to specify which cookies you will accept by type and often by specific websites using an exception list e.g. you can block all cookies and then list the website from which you will accept cookies.


This policy was reviewed and last updated 01-Jun-2024.

Previous versions:

27 July 2010
30 March 2018
  • Initial policy update for GDPR
05 May 2018
18 Sep 2021
  • pawnWarn cookie has been removed from the cookies section as it is no longer used.
24 Mar 2024
1 Jun 2024
  • Removed UserVoice cookies. We no longer use the service.
